YN Creative Co.

Kaizen "continuous improvement".

Filtering by Author: Yvonne Maisonette

Video for Businesses is a Must

Uploaded by LittleVoiceMediaTV on 2012-10-10.

As we edge into 2016, most businesses across all genres and platforms, are becoming aware of the true importance of having video as part their marketing plan.

According to an article written by Chris Trimble in the guardian,  "small businesses that fail to include [Video] in their internet marketing strategies will do so at their peril".

The numbers don’t lie and engaging your audience has become more about great video content than the written word. This video by Little Voice in the UK provides some great insight.

Fun Work Environment

This video is about Kelly vimeo

Here at YN Creative Company, we value a strong work ethic, timeliness, focus, talent and integrity. We also feel that being able to have a little fun and making sure our team is happy is very important. We snuck up on Kelly at work the other day and we had a bit of fun together. It was a long work day and that moment made it a long AND fun work day. So cheers to hard work and a little lightheartedness every once and awhile.